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Fundação Dorina Nowill para Cegos

We are a nonprofit philanthropic organization.

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Who We Are and What We Do

Fundação Dorina Nowill para Cegos is a nonprofit philanthropic organization. For 74 years we have been dedicated to the social inclusion of visually impaired people.

One of the ways for doing this is through the production and free distribution of braille, audio and digitally accessible books, straight to the public and also to around 3000 schools, libraries and organizations throughout Brazil.

We also supply, free of charge, special services for visually impaired people and their families, in the areas of special education, rehabilitation, low vision clinic and employability.

And even, a series of services, with courses, trainings and consulting.

We would not be able to accomplish all that alone.

We count on the support of donations, volunteers, friends and sponsors who believe in the mission of Fundação Dorina Nowill para Cegos and help us make our work a reference in the social inclusion of blind and low vision people.
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Annual Reports

We present every year a report with the results of our programs and actions.
Learn more about the work we do!

About Dorina de Gouvêa Nowill

Fundação Dorina bears the name of its conceiver, Dorina de Gouvêa Nowill. More than a foundation, she left an opportunity for visually impaired people to live with dignity, for the people who can see, a life lesson.

Perseverance, charity, resignation and patience are the lessons left by this woman from the city of São Paulo who could see the world with the eyes of her soul.

Partnerships and Sponsorships

Phone:  55 (11) 5087.0968